PropertyGuard has now been added to our server.
Here is a quick rundown on the commands and how to use them.
To select an area:
Hold a wooden axe, and left click to set the first point, then go to the opposite corner of the 3D Cuboid Area and select the second point.
To check the price before you buy a new property (first select an area):
/pg price
To buy a new property (first select an area):
/pg buy {property}
Replace {property} with the unique name of your region. Example: /pg buy myhouse
To see information about a property:
/pg info {property}
The property parameter is not needed if you are in a WorldGuard Region that has no overlapping regions.
To cash a property (sell for a faction of the price back to the server):
/pg cash {property}
To sell a property to another player (this sends and offer for the sale):
/pg sell {property} {player} {price}
To accept a sale offer (this is done by the receiving player:
/pg yes
NOTE: Both players must be online and in the world where the property is located to complete the sales transaction.
To add a member to your property:
/pg add {property} {player}
To remove a member from your property:
/pg remove {property} {player}
To set WorldGuard Protection Flags on your property:
/pg flag {property} {flag_name} {setting}
Example: /pg flag {property} greeting Welcome!
/pg flag {property} farewell Goodbye!